Strong Curves: Bootyful Beginnings Workout



Developed by Bret Contreras, the Strong Curves Bootyful Beginnings workout is specifically created for ladies wanting to augment their gluteal muscle strength and shape. This program promotes a progressive approach beginning with bodyweight exercises before eventually including more complex movements and higher weights as you become stronger. Compound lifts such as hip thrusts, glute bridges, kettlebell swings, and lunges make up this routine – offering an effective yet fun way to condition your glutes! The workout also includes exercises that target other muscle groups such as the core, legs, and lower back, in order to balance and support the glutes. The routine is designed to be done 3-4 times per week and it can be modified to cater to different fitness levels.

 Bret Contreras: The Glute Training Expert and Creator of the Strong Curves Workout

Bret Contreras is a renowned coach and researcher in the field of strength and conditioning, earning him the well-deserved title of glute training expert. He has established himself as one of today’s most authoritative figures with his popular workout program “Strong Curves” gaining immense traction. He has earned both a Bachelor of Science and Master of Science in Sports Science, as well as Rehabilitation. Contreras is an accomplished professional with expertise as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS), USA Weightlifting Coach, and Functional Movement Systems (FMS) specialist. He is the author of several acclaimed books, such as “Strong Curves: A Woman’s Guide to Building a Better Butt and Body”, “The Glute Lab” and his latest endeavor, “Advanced Techniques in Glutei Maximi Strengthening”. As the founder of, he generously shares his knowledge regarding strength and conditioning as well as expertise in the fitness field with all who visit his website.

The Workout Routine